
BPW 세계연맹

Korea Federation of Business & Professional Women

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President's Message for BPWI
Dr. Catherine Bosshart, Switzerland/France
BPW International President 2021-2024

Dear BPW members,

Our first virtual General Assembly was for all of us not only a technical but also a social challenge.

We had only little time to tackle the huge task to organize a virtual Congress. I would like to thank President Amany for her commitment, the International Planning Committee for its work. In the last two weeks before General Assembly we virtually met every day or twice every day. The Planning Committee consisted of Dr. Asfour, Dr. Seidita, Dr. Viravan and Dr. Kiengsiri and I. Thank you all for having confidence in me and giving me your vote. Those members who are disappointed I would like to ask to give me a chance and to collaborate with me. I will be available for all members and I am willing to support you in all your endeavors for the benefit of BPW International. Thank you for being still online and motivated to face a next Triennium. I am full of energy and you too, I presume. Let's work together along the new International Theme: New Actions through Cooperation. It includes the one we have had in the last Triennium and the Sustainable Development Goals are a big part of the actions.

As mentioned in my promotion video, let's focus on the three topics Finances, Administration and Communication.

1) Finances: Let's increase our financial resources not by increasing our membership dues, but by increasing our membership. I encourage each Federation and Club to make a special effort in the new Triennium. My personal financial effort will be the reduction of the budget of 80 000 Euros for the president, for her travel specifically to 50 000 Euros per year. I will explain to you in my forthcoming words why. With pleasure I will visit Federations and Clubs, but I will also send video statements and will have exchanges with members like Question & Answer Sessions by using our new digital tools. We urgently have to reactivate our Friends & Fellows and establish a professional sponsoring. Members who are experienced professional fundraisers, please contact our President's Office by email, we need your help.
2) The administration: As a voluntary working organization our offices and experts have to be supported by paid and therefore reliable administrators. BPW international founded in 1930 has to renew and optimize its structures in an ongoing process. Today websites are not only representation and leading tools, but important working tools as well. The successful production and use of webinars and website tools is vital for our worldwide and multifaceted work. A paid administrator will be necessary for this work as well.
3) Communication: Due to the COVID pandemic BPW International was forced to organize the virtual Congress. A big, big thank you to all who made this huge challenge possible. And a thank you to all of you who attended this first digital Congress. Today latest digital tools are indispensable but not sufficient for a good communication. Relevant and valuable contents are imperative. As promised, together with a team I will provide monthly BPW International News. I encourage the Federations and Associated Clubs to send contributions to the President's Office. Please send us your experiences with the new virtual General Assembly which we just experienced. You will get the first edition of a newsletter in this term at the beginning of May 2021.

Our International Theme New Actions through Cooperation does not only focus on activities or actions. It means to include the efforts for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as well as to have a focus on cooperation. Different opinions are desirable and enriching and have to be exchanged on a fact-based level. Members of an organization like BPW International whose goal is empowerment of women have to become role models for a respectful together and the art of cooperation. Being able to have a good culture of cooperation between us women, means to be able to cooperate with men and our society, too. Let's focus on new actions and equally on a good culture of cooperation. Therefore, I invite you all, all our BPW around the globe, to work on our new International Theme New Actions through Cooperation.

Per tutte le socie parlando Italiano il motto del nuovo triennio sarà: Nuove azioni a traverso la cooperazione. Grazie per impegni che deciderete in questo nuovo triennio.
Pour les membres francophones la devise du nouveau triennia sera: de nouvelles actions par la cooperation. Milles mercis pour tous les engagements que vous prenez au cours du nouveau mandat.
Para los miembros spagnolas, el lema del nuevo Trienio será: nuevas acciones a través de la cooperación. Muchas gracias por todos los compromisos que estáis asumiendo durante el nuevo mandato.
Für alle deutschsprachigen Mitglieder: Das neue internationale Thema lautet: Neue Initiativen durch Kooperation. Vielen Dank für euer Engagement in den kommenden 3 Jahren.
If you permit me, I would like to send also a short message to my well-loved federation of Taiwan which is part of my family: 我想说: 通过合作采取新 行 动是我这三年任 的 主题. 我要感谢你们为实现这个目标 所给 宇的支持.

The new President's Office 21 to 24 will be active from 1st of May 2021 on, but emails to the President's Office will reach me at any time. I expect your cooperation and thank you for all your new actions.
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